W101 Day 41 Dusting off the cobwebs.

I recently handed out this blog location to someone, and stopped by to check it out. I realized I hadn't updated it in a year. I have written extensively in that time, two major short stories, worked on some other things, and been extremely busy, but I haven't updated this blog. That is a major error on my part. I apologize to anyone who is following me here. I have been remiss.

The good news is, that I am still posting things out there. I have had a few more recent updates on my Facebook page. You can follow it at: https://www.facebook.com/Quillnib 

I am also working on a new website. It will be where I blog and also post new writing related content. I am struggling to get it set up, but I think I have found a way to do it and am on my way to getting it up and running.

In other writing news, I am taking a writing workshop. It is great, because not only does it keep me writing, and teach me more mechanics on how to improve my writing, it is also introducing me to a whole writing community. This way I can meet people that are writers and we can share our ideas and struggles. I am really excited about it.

I have already written a new poem and submitted it to a website for publication. I will link to it here if it gets picked up. I am also going to be putting in a couple of links to the works I did this past year. For all of my faithful readers, I think there are 6 of you, thank you for hanging with me. I am hoping to be able to generate more content and grow my audience. You who have been here since the beginning are cherished. Hopefully your patience will be rewarded.

See ya soon, 

Jeff Couch
