Getting Drafty - Day 11

Never fear, I haven't forgotten you loyal followers [ neither of you. %) ]. I have been busy with all the things that a pandemic entails. I have also written many timely articles, discussing deep and pertinent issues, regarding current events and all that surrounds us, in my head. For various reasons, including deep and abiding "page-fright", none of it is here. That's ok. As I told my child last night, celebrate your accomplishments. If you focus on your failures you will fail. I choose to focus that this is my 11th post in my writing challenge. Woo-hoo!

I have a novel that I have done a fair bit of work on over the course of this year. I am getting very close to starting on its first draft. That may seem like a bit of contradiction, but I write a fair bit of my proto-drafts in my head. I have also done a lot of research and background work on the novel. With any luck, I will have something to show for it in a few years. Writing a novel takes a very long time.

I'll admit, I had a bit of a schedule or pattern for writing these posts. I would write on my lunch breaks at work, while sitting at a fast food place, or in my car eating lunch. It was working quite well, until I went home on March 20th. Suddenly there were no lunch breaks and I was at home all the time, working. By the time May rolled around and I was working onsite again, well, different office, different schedule, and I was out of the habit. And, of course, there was also my old pal "page-fright".

I do not surrender to my anxiety. I fight it every day. Most people that know me have no idea that I live with this. I am outgoing and will talk your ear off. But deep inside there are a lot of things I want to do and aspire to, that get stopped by aggressive anxiety. But I persist. I will overcome and do those things, or I'll collapse trying. I'm constantly trying new tactics to deal with it and new ways to make it easier, like my recently purchased new devices that make writing easier. Hopefully I will soon be more prolific.

That brings us to the matter at hand. I have been working on a new story, or , more accurately, an interconnected series of stories. I have decided that as chapters are finished, I will publish them here. These are early drafts, freshly typed, so there are bound to be some issues. I am going to post them anyway and make changes later as necessary. You are welcome, of course to read and compliment. Keep your criticisms to yourself. I am kidding, this wouldn't be the internet if we weren't allowed to shred anything we read online into tiny little pieces if we don't think it is absolutely perfect. I actually would enjoy feedback, especially the constructive kind.  Feel free to comment away.

The first thing I have finished is the introduction. That will be my next post.
