A Flash Of Halloween - Day 30


It's almost here! In just a couple of days, the Flash Fiction series begins over on Horror author Jack Wallen's blog: 


Every day, for the 31 days of Halloween, he will be publishing a different short story from a different author. The most exciting part is that I WILL BE ONE OF THE AUTHORS! I can't tell you how excited I am to be a part of this project. Everyday I will be posting a link here to that day's story, and of course I'll let you know when mine is published. (Hint, it will be during the first week!) 

Every story will be about Halloween, but not necessarily a scary story. It can be any genre, any topic, as long as it is also about Halloween. I haven't read any of these yet, so I will be excitedly reading along with all of you. This is going to be fun.

It all starts October 1st. Can't wait to get reading. 
