A Note On The Tales And Whatnot - Day 20

Hello my friends and blog followers!

It has been one month to the day since the final post of "The Nicholas Tales". What an exciting moment that was, to finish the story and put it out there for the world to see. I have received some positive feedback and I am grateful for that. Anytime you want to comment and let me know how you feel, feel free. 

I have been thinking about what the next steps for "The Nicholas Tales" are. I am considering turning it into a Kindle book and putting it out there for people to buy.  I am hesitant because there are some costs involved. Cover illustration, interior illustrations, line editing, proofreading, all these things cost money. Then I will have to either put it all together myself or hire someone to do it. Frankly, for the number of these I am likely to sell, it is too expensive. I am actively looking for ways to do it more inexpensively. I'll keep you posted as I figure things out. 

In the meantime, I am still writing. This new thing isn't nearly as episodic as "The Nicholas Tales". It is turning into more of a traditional chapter book. That is why I haven't been posting it here. Frankly, I am not sure how good it is going to be, I started it more as a way to keep creating. We will see where it goes. My hope is that I will have a second novel ready to be published by the end of the year. 

Other than that, I am going to work on trying to update this blog on a regular basis. It is one year into the pandemic and things have started to ease up a bit. Hopefully we have turned a corner on this thing and things will only get better. I hope so, there are so many things, and more importantly, people that I miss. Here's to seeing them soon! 

That's all from me for now. Keep your eyes on this space for future developments. Exciting things are happening in my world and I am happy to bring you along. 


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