In A Little Village In The Dead Of Night - Day 25

Some Mad God's Dream

If our time is nothing but some mad god's dream
then here we sit on a forlorn shore
while in his sleep, he laughs at our plots and schemes

We will stumble, wondering what it all means
drawing breath, then dying, nothing more
if our time is nothing but some mad god's dream

Mortal hopes and desires crushed in the stream
of the sound of his merciless snore
while in his sleep, he laughs at our plots and schemes

An ironclad sky reflects desperate screams
as we pound helplessly on the door
if our time is nothing but some mad god's dream

Teetering on the edge of life's balance beam
grasping, wondering, what it's all for
while in his sleep, he laughs at our plots and schemes

So, take whatever meaning that you can glean
share with me and we'll face the horror
if our time is nothing but some mad god's dream
while in his sleep, he laughs at our plots and schemes

written 4/21/2021 by Jeff Couch

Notes: This one is pretty disjointed and grim. I enjoyed playing with the form and trying to get a feel for it. Existential horror is what I think this genre is called. Frankly, it makes me shudder. It makes me think of aliens or ancient monsters from the deep, of desperately trying to find a way out. 
