Several Halloween Stories - W101 Day 40

 Yep, I know. It has been a few days. Let's get back to it.

 The next story was from October 10th. It is  

All Hallows Eve

We have encountered this author earlier this month. I like this story. It deals with the differences between ways of perceiving the same thing. It makes and interesting point and I enjoyed it. Don't forget to read the author's bio, it is enjoyable as well.

Next up is from October 11th. 

Celebrating Halloween

This one is more of an essay than a story. It is a good essay and talks about the ways that we relate to holidays and each other. The author is a content creator according to her website. I look forward to coming across more of her content.

October 12th brings us

An Appliance Story

This is a cute little story. It is neat to get all the little references. Might make you think twice about how you treat your kitchen. Going over the author's website, she has written a lot of journalistic pieces. If you enjoy her style, she might be someone you want to hire.

That's enough for today, more reviews coming soon!
